When prospects feel heard and understood, trust and consideration begin.

Every sale begins with capturing a prospect's relevant hopes, reality, and fears.  These are revealed and understood by asking and listening.  How do you want to improve the future?  Delay has a cost; what is it?  How bad can this situation become?  Sharing their words reveals their reasons to act and identifies the new capabilities needed.  This conversational exchange prevents an avoidable mistake in selling, a startup CEO talking too much.  When prospects feel heard and understood, they open up trust and interest.  The foundation for persuasion is in place.

Reliably lay this foundation by beginning each meeting with this question – why did you agree to meet?  Then, acknowledge their response and get permission to ask the above three questions.  Start with change - ask how a better future happensThen go deeper with a follow-up question - can you say more about that?  Use this sequence: the open-ended question, backed up with a say more query, for all the inquiries.  Together, the CEO and prospect build an understanding: clear reasons to act with an idea about the change.   Finally, the startup CEO applies this view by judging the depth and breadth of their solution's help.  The foundation to persuade, sell, or accept a mismatch is secured. 

Imagine creating this clear-eyed position in under thirty minutes.  Your prospect is relaxed and curious.  You have quiet confidence to ask the long-expected question - would you like to hear why and how we can help?  A yes says trust and consideration have opened to you.  Then, the action moves to you and your story.

Are you pondering the thinking behind this post?  Engage with your point of view at converse@marketenabledsales.com