Is it better for a founder to inform or inspire their prospect?

Surprisingly, nearly all Founders begin a meeting with a prospect with business information.

Facts about their product, benefits, and strategy. Is their logic to provide the buyer facts and let them decide? Or, out of pride, they cover the company when asked what you do. I’m a big supporter of information but with a twist. Words that inspire a prospect are more valuable than facts.

Let's look into it to find out why. The definitions provided by Oxford Languages are as follows.

To in·form: give (someone) facts or information.

To in·spire: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something. 

Only when someone is inspired will they be driven to act and become a customer. Having more customers is the goal.  

A motivated prospect will request additional information. Facts to bolster their desire to act. They want a tidbit of information that is specific to their issue. 

Your desired outcome should drive your actions. Drop off a brochure if you prefer to rely on business talk. Find your motivating words if you desire customers.

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