Dramatic gains in sales rely on to-the-point information. Are you sure about what you say?

Not long ago, sales were solid and consistent. Now sales are dwindling. Most sales take longer to close. This troubling trend points to a broken-down capability – something changed. Did the lead seller, often a Founder, stop selling? Has someone new taken the job? Declines start by losing touch with customers. Missing relevant information freezes fruitful progress. Does anything like these hamper sales? 

Tools for expanding sales are available. Put off automating. First, prevent garbage in, garbage out mistakes – don't propagate unfit messages. 

Buyers will smell garbage. Avoid garbage by having a trusted C-level company executive interview existing customers and dying prospects. This leader synthesizes what's heard across ten to twelve meetings. 

  • Your existing customer: listen to their words on the effect your company has. Be clear about what you do for them.

  • With a dying prospect: listen to their annoyance from missing information. Be clear about what they expect or need.


Eye-openers come to light. The customer talks equip the executive to tell their story about buying. Values tangibly achieved are re-established. The need for a dying prospect has two paths. First, you are a good fit; the expected information must be shared or clarified. Second, the opportunity does not fit; what they need differs from what you do. 

Your market has schooled you. Rework to align your messages. Sales will grow. 

Are you pondering my thoughts on this topic? Share what is on your mind at converse@marketenabledsales.com.