Is your opening meeting with a C-suite executive a sales call or a screening?

The C-suite prospect gives the startup CEO thirty minutes to show business worth.  Naturally, a business-oriented exchange unfolds.  Competitive advantage, expanding market share, and profit with less cost are covered.  But the 'why and what does that mean' is missing from the talk.  The C-level executive divulges two or three projects funded for better results.  Then asks the CEO what she thinks.  What to say next is often a guess. 

Are you worth my time - a crucial question executives need to answer?  When the startup CEO realizes this, she sees this meeting as a barrier to more discussions.  So she delays sharing her thinking by asking a pivotal questionWhich project worries you the most and why?  Most replies give a personal reason and why this is important.  Our CEO repeats what was heard to confirm her understanding, and the executive nods in agreement.  The executive accepts their purpose is known, and the door to more meetings opens.  Armed with this knowledge, the CEO ties in the startup's value

Individual purpose drives twice as many decisions in companies compared to business goals.   

When prospects feel heard and understood, they are inspired to engage and learn - bringing more conversations.  Therefore, every opening meeting selling objective is to confirm your grasp of the executive's personal reason to change.  Then overview why your startup brings the possibility to attain this purpose.

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